Corporate Friends

Being a Corporate Friend of The Bus Archive is a great way to preserve the memory of The Bus Industry and support our work. We rely on the generosity of our current Corporate Friends as a fundamental part of our income.

We are also interested in original records from companies and other bodies to add to our collection, see donate material for details.

We are delighted to donate to this very worthwhile cause and support the excellent work of The Bus Archive. It is important to look back and see how the industry arrived here and what steps it took to meet the considerable challenges along the way.”
Alex Hornby
Chief Executive, Transdev Blazefield.

If your company or organisation would like to become a Corporate Friend, to fund us on either a regular or one-off basis, please contact us

Our Friends

the memory of the bus industry

© The Bus Archive, a charity registered in England and Wales (number 1177343), set up as a Charitable Incorporated Organisation.