Interested in donating material to the archive? Here’s what you need to know.
Most of our collection has been received through donations from individuals, companies and organisations. If you have original papers, photographs, books or publications about any bus, coach, tram or trolleybus subject, we would be delighted to speak to you about whether these would be a good fit for our collections.
Good quality material should be preserved and be open for education and research - not in that garage, loft or store room!
We appraise all donations, and if already have a particular item we will retain the best copy and usually sell the other, to the financial benefit of the charity.
You may wish to donate your collection to us in your will, if so, please see our donate in your will page.
contact us© The Bus Archive, a charity registered in England and Wales (number 1177343), set up as a Charitable Incorporated Organisation.